My previous post about Hinduism and its tolerance for GAYS and members of the LGBT community as exemplified by Hindu Mythology is bound to raise consternation among many circles and my analysis and interpretation is bound to be challenged. So, in order to provide greater perspective to this story, I am posting here a Wikipedia link so that people can start here for research. I encourage everyone to research this thoroughly and reach the same reasonable conclusion that I reached myself - that the object of the story is to teach tolerance because even GODS embrace homosexuality and there is nothing wrong with it.
Please free Mr Ravi for he has has been unfairly made a scapegoat by the media. Sadly, it is the media that created the witchhunt for Mr Ravi to elevate their platform against hate crimes, for which he is NOT a good example. He has already paid a high price for his youthful folly,let him live his life in peace. Please return him to his family where they can attempt to pull the pieces of their shattered lives back together. Do not deport him.